Eye & Laser Surgeons

AT A GLANCE WHO: Eye & Laser Surgeons WHAT: An independent ophthalmology practice withmodern offices, fitted out with the latest diagnostic and treatment equipment. WHERE: Level 2, 35 Spring Street, Bondi Junction, NSW, 2022 (Main office) WEBSITE: eyeandlaser.com.au Shanel and Daya both worked in the public hospital and private practice setting before the clinic’s doors were opened. What they realized is that different practices have different philosophies. Some practices’ key philosophy was about providing the most affordable price hence expensive pieces of equipment, no matter what they added to the clinical situation, were not acquired as they were not a viable part of that model, even if they resulted in better results. The philosophy at Eye & Laser Surgeons is to provide the best possible results for each patient. This has resulted in the practice acquiring many state of the art pieces of equipment to do so, even when there is no Medicare rebate. Patients pay for the access to these latest pieces of technology, as well as the training to interpret these tests, as the data is only as good as the person reading the data. To maximize their ability to utilise and interpret these new pieces of technology, the orthoptists and doctors from Eye & Laser Surgeons have had in-house training as well as having been to numerous local and overseas training seminars and meetings.