Shire of Quairading

tions yet again, and the council has been working with many part- ners also tasked with the roads projects to ensure suitable deliv- ery. • Street scape – road draining has improved where previously there were not a lot of storm drains, whilst water is being captured and recycled much more resourceful- ly. Wonderfully, there are also rose gardens dotted in previously bar- ren land. • Solar panelling – the Council is very much green driven and so went full steam ahead in apply- ing solar panels to the community centre, and around 40% of the en- ergy gathered actually goes back into the mains grid. “We want to install something similar onto the council’s administration centre, and hopefully start to see some of the cost savings the community centre is seeing,” affirms Fardon • Community gym - the town has a very strong and active community gym committee who approached the council after researching sim- ilar sized town, and presenting evidence for the needs of such