
Business View Oceania the community and enjoy the compa- ny of their fellows. Whatever the case may be, Glenwood assists and sup- ports every decision within reasonable standards. Aside from the fact that residents are strongly encouraged to stay ac- tive and pursue their interests on their own, Glenwood also provides them with individualized plans which they may or may not choose to follow. As far as their welfare is concerned, the organisation develops personalized care plans designed around each in- dividual resident. Furthermore, there is a general weekly activities program, which each resident can participate in as they choose. Looking towards the future Currently, Glenwood has no plans for further expansions but that may all change in the future as nearby land becomes available and more afforda- ble. Right now, the focus is on the con- tinuous development of the service and the staff. The goal is to be a vi- brant community for a lot more years and to keep providing the same high level of care to the residents. And fi- nally, Glenwood is committed to con- tinue to support the local community and contribute to the economy by hir- ing local contractors and by purchas- ing from local suppliers.