Sep-Oct 2016 Issue | Business View Oceania

167 Supporting Partners Attache HR Toolkit Huntley Plumbers village which is used for trips”, Jackie explains. The organization is also supported by numerous other fundraising activities and pathways. Gifts and donations, volunteering teams, and the Friends of Aparangi membership are just some of the ways people can contribute to the cause. There are always more things to build and services to invest on so Aparangi is always in need of support. A passion to grow and evolve The fact that Aparangi Village is constantly evolving cannot be denied. As far as technology goes, for instance, there have been major efforts to upgrade to modern standards with a fast broadband and an entrance to social media. In the rules and regulations department, Aparangi strictly follows the codes of ethics and strict sets of standards lined out by the corresponding official bodies. And as for the village itself, there are very few rules that govern its residents, such as respecting one’s neighbors. As for the future, there are quite a lot of plans in Aparangi’s list of objectives. Home based care, for example, is of utmost importance and the organization wants to develop its own dementia unit so that it can deliver further excellent care to the residents. Moreover, it wants to offer an even wider range of apartment styles and retirement options, such as for people who are not yet retired but wish to move in when they are ready. In essence, the village wants to become a community hub for the entire region, a place where people of all ages can come and interact with each other in a range of activities. More than that, the team of Aparangi Village has a very long-term vision that aims to support the community, allow the business to flourish, and grow the organization into an even bigger enterprise. For instance, in following the “no biases” approach of the original establishment, Jackie and her team are currently looking into expanding what is allowed in the village that traditionally criteria may have negated people owning in the village, e.g. small dogs.. And even though that’s just a small example, it showcases the organization’s work ethic and commitment to the betterment of the entire region. After all, the community of Te Kauwhata only stands to benefit from such endeavors.